In loving memory

Sulwyn Our Loyal Welsh at the age of 14

Deze pagina is gewijd aan de honden die er niet meer zijn maar die ik voor altijd in
mijn hart gesloten heb. Als je je hele leven honden om je heen hebt betekent dat ook
dat je veel afscheid moet nemen.

This site is dedicated to the dogs who are not with us anymore but whom I carry in my
heart forever. If you had dogs around your whole life it means you have to say goodbye
a lot of times.

"Welsh", "Boris", "Emma", "Kimball", "Lobke", "Lemmy", "Si-Lw", "Baccara",
"Bo", "Sawel", "Twm", "Efa", "Sara",  "Nessie",  "Dyllis" ,  "Undeg", "Raven"
"Caleb"," Ufo", "Sulwyn","Seirian", "Cari", "Carwyn" , Jayne and Ffraid

"Merel",  "Iris",  "Mairwen" , "Tricker", "Axl" and Zusy

Gone but not forgotten.