Nieuws/ News 2019

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4 sons and 2 daughters for Brighid and Lander!

24-3-2019 Show Leiden

The Youth World Champions of last year are growing up. Quilty Pleasure des Vauriennes and Xena Our Loyal Welsh took the tickets today on the Int. Show from KV Rijnland. Picture made by Renée Hubregtse. Now hopefully some rest here in the house before we can welcome the puppies from Brighid and Lander.

9-3-2019 Crufts trip

Just coming around from the trip to Birmingham, not an easy one recovering from a hernia, but we managed with thanks for the help of daughter Anne. Overall I think it was a good judging and we all enjoyed our day. Xena Our Loyal Welsh NJK'18 JWW'18 was not placed but she did well. She had a wonderfull time, her behaviour through the days and in the hotel was perfect, love that girl. And ofcourse loved to see Zaza Florence Our
Loyal Welsh at Edincraw being placed. Pictures of Xena and Florence made by Aino from Finland.


And today one of my sweetest girls Rachel Our Loyal Welsh has been mated by Tegan Our Loyal Welsh, hopefully we can welcome their puppies around the 8th of april.


Brighid Our Loyal Welsh has been mated in the UK by Isfryn on the Spot (Lander). Hopefully we can welcome their puppies around 30-03-2019. On the picture Lander and Brighid literally in the harbour of Folkestone. When I came home I found out that sweet Rachel is also in season, she will be mated next week, busy times on the way! See under puppies.

Foto: Maaike Groot